About the Journal
Focus and Scope
International Journal of Multicultural Education (IJME) is a FREE, peer-reviewed open-access journal for scholars, practitioners, and students of multicultural education. Committed to promoting educational equity for diverse students, cross-cultural understanding, and global justice for marginalized people in all levels of education, including leadership and policies, IJME publishes three types of articles: (1) qualitative research studies that explicitly address multicultural educational issues; (2) conceptual and theoretical articles, typically grounded on in-depth literature review, which advance theories and scholarship of multicultural education; and (3) praxis articles that discuss successful multicultural education practices grounded on sound theories and literature. We accept submissions of high quality from the global community in the fields of education, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, and other social sciences. We do not accept book reviews at this time. Submissions that advance from prescreening will be subject to originality-testing and double-blind peer review.
Peer Review Process
All scholarly submissions (research studies, literature-based articles, and praxis articles) will be initially screened by editors for basic fitness to the scope of the journal and adherence to the journal's submission guidelines. Pre-screened manuscripts undergo double-blind review by at least two qualified reviewers. We strive to provide reviewer feedback within three months; however, a variety of reasons could slow down the process. Since we rely on the gracious pro bono services of professionals and their availability, the editorial team requests authors' patience.
Revision of a manuscript does not guarantee publication. All editorial communication is conducted through the online journal system (OJS) to expedite the publication process. Therefore, it is necessary that authors submit their manuscript directly to the journal site. Authors will be able to follow the progress of their submission in the OJS.
Publication Frequency
IJME publishes three issues annually: Spring issues will be available in April, Summer issues in August, and Fall issues in December (usually a special issue). No submission deadline is applied to open-theme issues.
To Propose a Special Issue
To propose a special issue as a team of guest editors, please examine the linked document: Call for Special Issue Proposals.
Open Access Policy
IJME provides open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge and equitable educational practices. All published articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY-NC) 4.0, which allows users to freely share and adapt articles on the condition that proper attribution/citation is given and that the material is not used for commercial purposes. Upon publication, users have immediate free access to IJME articles and may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.
Indexed Databases
IJME is indexed in databases including, but not limited to, ESCI, EBSCOHost, ERIC, Journal Metircs, SCImago Journal and Country Ranking (SJR), Google Scholar, and Scopus. Our ISSN is 1934-5267. IJME is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
IJME is sponsored by Yonsei University's Institute for Educational Research in South Korea.
Sources of Support
IJME expresses sincere appreciation to Eastern University where Dr. Heewon Chang, Editor-in-Chief, has held a faculty position in PhD in Organizational Leadership and M.Ed. in Multicultural Education for having provided partial financial and in-kind support to the operation of Electronic Maganize of Multicultural Education (1999-2006) and International Journal of Multicultural Education (2007-present). In addition, IJME acknowledges co-sponsorship with Yonsei University's Department of Education for their partial financial and personnel support since 2015. The support of these two universities and the volunteer service of editors, authors, and reviewers from the global community have sustained EMME and IJME since 1999. IJME is an open-access scholarly journal that espouses the mission of freely sharing high quality scholarly content with global users.
Journal History
As the successor of EMME (Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education), IJME published two issues annually between 2007 and 2012. Since 2013, IJME publishes three issues annually including one special issue. Full texts of all articles in the PDF format are available freely from the journal site. This journal espouses the philosophy of the open-access movement, enabling the readers of the world to access the content of the journal regardless of their affiliation with higher learning institutions or ability to pay for subscription. The generous support of Eastern University, Yonsei University, and volunteer hours of editors, authors, and reviewers make this open-access project possible. (Note: Archived articles of EMME are available HERE.)