“Ready for Change”: Pre-service Teacher Perspectives on Diversity Preparation in Rural Appalachia





multicultural education, teacher education, qualitative research, diversity, rural education


Through the lens of transformative learning theory, this qualitative study examines how pre-service teachers (PSTs) in a teacher education program in rural Appalachia shared their perspectives on their preparation to work with diverse students. It examines how their lived experiences and their teacher education program impacted their approach to understanding and addressing diverse needs of their students. Results illustrate the unique way the pre-service teachers [re]imagined their program to better equip future PSTs for diverse classrooms. We argue for programmatic approaches to developing a teaching corps prepared for diversity in the classroom and challenging the shortsighted notion that students in rural Appalachia are unwilling to face the realities of diverse classrooms.

Author Biographies

Todd McCardle, Eastern Kentucky University

Todd McCardle is an associate professor in the College of Education & Applied Human Sciences at Eastern Kentucky University. 

Zachary Milford, University of Kentucky

Zachary Milford is a middle school language arts teacher and doctoral student at the University of Kentucky.




How to Cite

McCardle, T., & Milford, Z. (2024). “Ready for Change”: Pre-service Teacher Perspectives on Diversity Preparation in Rural Appalachia. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 26(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.18251/ijme.v26i2.3715



Articles (Peer-reviewed)