A Global Pandemic in a Multicultural Society: Comparison between Jewish and Arab Teachers' Metaphors of Teaching


  • Tali Hayosh Beit Berl College
  • Ilana Paul Binyamin Beit Berl College




Teachers in Israel, COVID-19 pandemic, collectivist role perception, individualistic role perception, metaphors


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the education system around the world. This article examines the perceptions of teachers who are members of the Jewish majority and the Arab minority in Israel, particularly on their e-learning role during the pandemic. Based on analysis of metaphors chosen by 20 Jewish and 14 Arab teachers, results of the study indicate two themes: (1) a collectivist perception prevalent among the Arab teachers and (2) an individualistic perception prevalent among the Jewish teachers. Recommendations to the education system are based on the cultural differences and inequalities between these groups.


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How to Cite

Hayosh, T., & Paul Binyamin, I. (2021). A Global Pandemic in a Multicultural Society: Comparison between Jewish and Arab Teachers’ Metaphors of Teaching. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 23(3), 94–111. https://doi.org/10.18251/ijme.v23i3.2993